SASSLA is strong and effective in its representation, advocacy and legal defence of leaders. Now more than ever we need an organisation which is uncompromisingly dedicated to the support of leaders with the underlying principles of fairness and reason.
SASSLA meets with officers from the Department for Education and the Minister for Education regularly to advocate on behalf of school and preschool leaders. We maintain our independence from political parties and the Department to ensure we represent your views.
We provide support to our members who may need general guidance with leadership and human resources issues. We can give advice over the phone, outside of working hours or we can visit your site. We can also act as your support person in disciplinary or complaint meetings.
My prior role as Executive Director of Human Resources for the Department for Education has provided me with a wealth of knowledge for matters pertaining to human resources and the Acts, regulations, policies and procedures relating to school and preschool leadership. I am happy to give prompt and independent advice and guidance for issues raised by our members.
We pride ourselves on working collaboratively with all stakeholders in our public education system to give the best possible outcomes to school and preschool leaders.
Phil O’Loughlin
Chief Executive