Legal Assistance

SASSLA members are protected with free professional legal advice through our legal partners at Tindall Gask Bentley Lawyers. Our legal team will represent you before relevant courts, tribunals, authorities or Government Departments.

We can help you with legal matters associated with your employment including:

  • Disciplinary action resulting in misconduct investigations.
  • Defamation and vexatious allegations by staff members or parents.
  • Workers compensation – we will fund your claim and our lawyers will represent you in case conferences and tribunal hearings.
  • Unfair dismissal and reinstatement of entitlements.
  • Assault and restraining orders.
  • Harassment and bullying in the workplace.
  • ICAC investigations, including being called as a witness.
  • Police investigations relating to your site.

SASSLA members also receive a discount for personal legal matters with Tindall Gask Bentley Lawyers. This includes a free 20 minute initial phone interview and 10% discount on all personal legal matters, including Wills and Estates.

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