SASSLA membership is open to leaders employed by the South Australian Department for Education as:

  • Principals (Band A)
  • Preschool Directors (Band A)
  • Deputy Principals (Band B)
  • Band B2 standalone Primary School Assistant Principals or Senior Leaders (This does not include area schools or combined primary and secondary schools)
  • Assistant Principals or Senior Leaders (Band B3 and above in any school)
  • Education Directors, Principal Consultants and Early Childhood Leaders
  • Department for Education Officers, such as managers of support services or leadership positions in the Department (only if a substantive school leadership role has been previously held)

All applications for membership to SASSLA are to be approved by the Board. You will be advised of the outcome of your application by email and your membership will take effect from the first payroll deduction. We accept payroll deductions or payment in advance by invoice for membership fees. Payments can be arranged via direct debit in special circumstances, such as long service leave or salary sacrifice. Payroll deductions will be automatically arranged by SASSLA upon receiving your application. If you require an alternative payment method, please contact SASSLA at [email protected].  The current membership fee is $38.20 (GST inclusive) per fortnight and is tax deductible. Members can cease their payroll deductions at any time by emailing SASSLA.

    Personal Details

    Title *

    Given Name *

    Family Name *

    Street Address 1 *

    Street Address 2

    Suburb *

    Postcode *

    Mobile *

    Work Details

    Your DfE ID Number *

    Current Site *

    Region *

    Email *

    Position *

    How did you hear about us?

    I hereby apply for membership of the South Australian State School Leaders Association and understand that if my application is accepted, my membership will be effective from the date of the first payroll deduction. I certify that the information I have provided above is correct.

    PAYROLL DEDUCTION AUTHORITY: I authorise a payroll deduction of $38.20 (GST inclusive) per fortnight to be paid to the South Australian State School Leaders Association. I understand that my membership will not be effective until the first payroll deduction. I understand that this deduction may be increased in future years to an amount in proportion to any increase in the annual membership fee set each year at the Association's Annual General Meeting.

    I Agree

    * Required field

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