At a press conference on 21 November 2024, the Minister announced proposed changes to Band A tenure arrangements. This work is the outcome of the Minister’s announcement in December 2023 that the department will develop a policy position effecting principal and preschool director permanency outside of the proposed enterprise agreement.
An outline of the proposal
The proposal is summarised in the department’s Band A Tenure Roadmap:
- Policy provisions to make the initial tenure of most Band A appointments 10 years.
- Replacement of the existing Band A reappointment process with one where tenure renewal for up to 10 years, if sought by an incumbent, would be the system’s default setting with non-extension by exception in cases where there are documented, formal underperformance processes in train.
- Introduction of a central panel to manage disputes, including an appeal process.
- Revision of Band A role descriptions, merit selection and performance and development arrangements.
The potential benefits of the policy are:
- Increased certainty for individual employees on career and benefits.
- A positive incentive for prospective applicants to apply for Band A roles.
- Productivity benefits flowing from Band A leaders having greater capacity to take a long term view in a role.
- The opportunity to introduce more contemporary and relevant merit selection and performance development arrangements.
The Tenure Roadmap indicates that implementation will begin in 2026 and a structured process for evaluation and potential future enhancement through to 2028. This model of policy development is a continuum that is purposefully designed to enable adjustments to be made as labour market conditions change and additional evaluative evidence becomes available.
The process
For much of 2024, SASSLA and the Principal and Preschool Director Associations worked collaboratively in discussions with the department on the policy position to be taken. We refer to our collaboration as a single entity – the Joint Associations.
The document submission from the Joint Associations October 2024 provides a clear overview of the positions put by the Joint Associations and the department that enabled the consensus to be reached on the policy position being released.
The submission provides information on key matters that framed discussion around the current policy release and incorporates the longer-term interests of the Joint Associations. Areas of note are:
- How member feedback from the Joint Associations survey, from over 100 members, was incorporated into five key evaluative criteria used to be used for policy assessment.
- The development of a conceptual model for understanding the demand and supply characteristics of the Band A labour market. This model has high value in understanding rates of vacancy creation and the supply of future aspirants to Band A positions. It also highlights the different risk factors in the school and preschool sectors.
- It sets out medium term priorities including a firm undertaking that future contract reappointments will be underpinned by continuity of classification and remuneration.
A future focus
Policy is a dynamic process that requires a disciplined focus on review and evaluation. The Joint Associations have a continuing role in the implementation and review of the new policy position. We will fine tune our mechanisms for engaging with members and presenting evidence and analysis to the department.
The process has highlighted the value of the Associations working together bringing their diverse contextual knowledge and capabilities to the shaping of system wide policy. It frames a new way of working together in the future.