Putting Preschool Directors in the Picture

SASSLA, in partnership with the Preschool Directors Association (PDA), have recently undertaken a research project on the workload of Preschool Directors (PSDs).

The research project made a number of key findings:

  • That significant change has been made to PSD roles and the point has now been reached where the range and scope of PSD duties are now equivalent to a Band A school leader role.
  • The workload protections available to PSDs are inadequate for the work they now undertake.
  • That changes to preschool operations resulting from the introduction of contact hours for preschool teachers needs to be supported by a structured and resourced change management plan.

Our research work has been influential in recent Departmental decisions on additional funding for preschools and the implementation of a structured change management process for implementing teacher contact hours. The work has also given SASSLA a strong platform for future work on PSD workload.

This work highlights the value which SASSLA delivers in two important ways:

  • Our capacity to undertake research projects that are rich in detail and analysis and present compelling arguments for change.
  • Our capacity to partner with other Associations where we have common interests and goals and then work with the Department to achieve positive change for members.

We strongly believe that our work with the PDA highlights a new way of constructively working with stakeholders and advocating for the interests of school and preschool leaders.

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